Greetings Democrats,
We’ve gone through some truly wild times in the last 18-20 months here in Ohio and I am incredibly proud of the amazing accomplishments you have all achieved in that time! While we certainly had some tough electoral challenges, Athens County Democrats have delivered. Whether it was defeating a special election, petition collection, canvassing efforts, or codifying the right to reproductive freedom, we have been successful in so many ways. This is all because of you.
As I’ve shared, I will not be seeking re-election as Party Chair. If I have one overarching hope for our county party moving forward, it is that we work intentionally to make room for the next generation of leaders. These may be things as simple as trying new ideas or inviting someone to co-chair a committee. It might be providing pathways to party leadership or elected positions. It is being patient with them as they learn and providing support for their goals.
I thank you for helping me learn more about our communities. I thank you for helping me learn more about myself. But most of all I thank you all for the work you have done and the work you will continue to do.
–– Sean
April 1 – Ari Faber for Ohio Senate, Campaign Launch & Fundraiser.
Please join us on Monday, April 1, from 5 – 8 pm, at Casa Nueva in Athens for Ari Faber’s campaign launch and fundraiser event. Ari will give a brief speech around 6:30 pm. Appetizers provided, donations appreciated, all are welcome!
April 5 – ACDP Organizational Meeting
The Athens County Democratic Party organizational meeting will be Friday, April 5 at 5 pm at the Municipal Courtroom in the City Building, 8 E. Washington St., Athens.
This meeting has been called by Tim Warren, immediate past chair of the Athens County Democratic Party Central Committee. Newly elected members of the Athens County Democratic Central Committee will be voting on officers and electing a Chair of the Executive Committee. All Democrats are invited to attend if interested.
April 18 – Passion Works Service Project
Join us at Passion Works, 20 E. State St., from 4 – 6 pm to paint the faux stained-glass windows that Keith Wilde is creating for the Mount Zion Black Cultural Center. We’re seeking 7 to 10 volunteers; contact Janalee at or (740) 707-1531 to get involved!
April 23 – David Pepper Talk: Saving Democracy
Listen to David Pepper talk from his new book, Saving Democracy, and meet Pepper, Democratic Party candidates, and elected officials. Tanya Conrath will introduce Pepper (thank you!). Speech 7 – 8 pm, after party 8 – 9 pm. The Athena Cinema, our host, will have beer, drinks and snacks for purchase.
April 25 – Spring Athens County Dems Dinner, in Amesville
Join us for our annual Spring Dinner at Village Productions in Amesville, 16 State St. Social hour at 5 pm; dinner at 6 pm. $30 per ticket, available at the door. Dinner is being prepared by Amesville Mayor Gary Goosman and Roxanne Groff. Seeking volunteers for setup and cleanup; email to help.
April 26 – Workers Memorial Day Remembrance
Join us at 12 pm at the Workers Memorial Mural, 11 N. Court St., to honor workers and organized labor. Box lunches will be provided. Sponsored by the Southeast Ohio CLC/ALF.
For context on our April 18 service project, the Mount Zion Black Cultural Center is housed in the Mount Zion Baptist Church, at 32 W. Carpenter St. at the intersection of N. Congress St.:
As we’ve shared in the last few newsletters, Ohio Democrats have joined with a statewide coalition of organizations, including the ACLU and the League of Women Voters, to stop political gerrymandering in Ohio. A proposed state amendment would change the process for the redistricting of voting districts; instead of being drawn by politicians within their political parties, the process would establish a 15-member redistricting committee without politicians, family members of politicians or lobbyists. This proposed amendment has been named Citizens Not Politicians.
You can find the complete amendment at, and check out Kathy Kinser’s piece, below, to learn more.
Currently signatures of Ohio voters are being collected, and the CNP campaign must collect just under 420,000 certified voters throughout the state by July of 2024. Once signatures are collected and certified, the proposed amendment would be on the ballot in Ohio on November 5th. If the amendment passes in November, the independent redistricting commission will begin in 2025.
Those who wish to sign the Citizens Not Politicians can come to the Athens Dems Office, or find us at an event around town (see below). If you’re interested in collecting signatures for the petition, contact Andrea Reik at or Solveig Spjeldnes at
The following piece by Kathy Kinser was recently published in the The Athens News and The Athens Messenger. Thanks Kathy!
Citizens Not Politicians: An Amendment to End Gerrymandering
When I first heard about the Citizens Not Politicians amendment, I wondered why it was important. Here’s what I learned.
What is gerrymandering?
After every U.S. census, election districts get redrawn in every state. The idea is to make the election districts about the same size, so every person in the state has an equal voice. But that’s not what happens when politicians get involved. They create districts that give their own party a political advantage, choosing their voters rather than the other way around.
How bad could that be?
Ohio has one of the worst records in the country when it comes to gerrymandering. In 2023, Common Cause graded each state on the fairness of its redistricting process. Ohio got an F. (Only 6 other states received this grade.)
A look at the map for state house district 95 shows why. Ideally, voting districts are compact, honor political boundaries, and are culturally similar. District 95 is none of these. It includes parts of 6 counties and stretches more than halfway to Pittsburgh. The mostly-liberal votes from Athens are diluted by the mostly-conservative votes in the counties to the north. Athens County has been split so part is in house district 94 and part is in district 95. This makes it nearly impossible for a Democratic candidate to win in either district.
Is this an issue that affects both parties?
It is. As long as the current crop of politicians are in charge, election boundaries will favor Republicans. But Democrats can (and probably will) draw the districts in their own favor as soon as they have the chance. The Citizens Not Politicians amendment benefits voters from both parties, making voting fairer for everyone, in every election.
What’s next?
It will take 413,487 eligible voters to put this issue on the ballot in November.
If passed, Citizens Not Politicians will:
- Create a 15-member Ohio Redistricting Commission made up of Democratic, Republican, and Independent citizens who broadly represent the different geographic areas and demographics of the state.
- Ban current or former politicians, political party officials, and lobbyists from sitting on the Commission.
- Require fair and impartial districts by making it unconstitutional to draw voting districts that discriminate against or favor any political party or individual politician.
- Require the commission to operate under an open and independent process.
Want to know more?
- Background info from the League of Women Voters:
- Background info from the Brennan Center for Justice:
- A gerrymandering simulation for secondary students:
- The complete amendment:
Thank you, Athens County Democrats! Our Athens County Campaign Kickoff Fundraiser was a grand success, with a full crowd of 79 in attendance. Many thanks to Restaurant Salaam for hosting us, to all who attended, and you all who donated.
Our Meigs County Kickoff Fundraiser is happening April 14, and our Washington County Kickoff Fundraiser will happen in June.
Our hope for a 94th District Ohio House win is real. We need progressives and realists of all political parties to let others know that our severely gerrymandered Republican state legislature has lost its ability to focus on the needs of the people.
Please invite Wenda to speak, even for ten minutes, at gatherings of your friends and neighbors. Think public meetings, private picnics, group events. Text 740-818-1845 to arrange.
Please ask your Facebook-using friends to follow Wenda Sheard for Ohio:
If you are willing to help the campaign in any fashion, please fill out the Google form here:
How to Donate by ActBlue:
Or donate by check payable to Friends of Wenda Sheard, 13499 Dutch Creek Road, Athens, Ohio 45701.
Please join us on Monday, April 1 at Casa Nueva in support of Ari Faber, candidate for the Ohio Senate, at his campaign launch and fundraiser event – see the “Calendar” section above for details.
Thank you to everyone who has been rallying behind Ari, we’re grateful!
Citizens Not Politicians
Our main call to volunteers this month is to sign the Citizens Not Politicians anti-gerrymandering petition!
If you are really looking to support this proposed amendment, you can circulate your own petition – watch this short training on how to gather signatures:
We’re seeking trained signature collectors for upcoming events:
- Farmer’s Market – April 13, May 4 & May 11, 8:30 am – 12 pm
- Athens Courthouse – April 27 & May 4, 10 am – 2 pm (two-hour shifts)
- Athens Dems Spring Dinner, Amesville – April 25, 5:30 – 8 pm
- Kindred Market – Dates TBD
We are also developing events in Nelsonville and Meigs County – stay tuned.
Do you have an event or gathering which could be a signature collection spot? Let us know! Contact Solveig Spjeldnes at or Andrea Reik at
Before April 15, the Athens County Democratic Party office will be open Wednesdays 1 – 4 pm. Beginning April 15, hours will expand to include both Mondays and Wednesdays 1 – 4 pm.
Visit us at 74 E State St, near the intersection of Stimson Ave uptown. Watch the office windows evolve as we promote candidates for the November election! Come in and sign the Citizens Not Politicians proposed amendment! Pick up your Sherrod Brown and Wenda Sheard yard signs.
We are looking to host some informational meetings in the Dems office beginning in April. What is interesting to you? Gerrymandering? Ranked voting? Meeting candidates? Let us know at
Communication Committee –– Chair, Ashley Sarver
Thank you to everyone who attended our Volunteer Kickoff Meeting in early March and signed up to get involved! Over 50 people came, spilling out into the hallway at Little Fish (pictured below). We’re grateful for your support, and will be reaching out to invite your involvement on specific volunteer projects, throughout the spring and summer.
Neighborhood Campaign Committee –– Chair, Andrea Reik
Our immediate focus is on collecting signatures for Citizens Not Politicians, which are due by early July 2024 in order to place this on the ballot on November 5. We are inviting all of you to get involved! This election year is critical! If you have questions or want to help, contact Andrea Reik at
Neighborhood Committee Teams Updates
The committee is now made of teams that focus on various activities to get out the vote – including Community Education, Voter Registration, Canvassing, Postcards, and Community Events.
- Community Education – Our Team Leader, Kathy Kinsner, wrote a great article on gerrymandering (see above) which has been published in the Athens News and Athens Messenger. Good work Kathy! Contact Kathy if you’d like to write op-ed pieces, too, at
Solveig Spjeldnes is busy planning the April 23 talk by David Pepper, author of Saving Democracy. See the “Calendar” section above for details.
- Vote Builder – Doug Debrick, our Team Leader, is looking for volunteers to learn the voter information system, input data, and identify voters to canvass or send postcards to likely voters. Contact Doug at to help out.
- Canvassing – Team Leader Janalee Stock is gearing up to train volunteers interested in talking to Democratic voters at their front doors. Join her! Contact Janalee at to get involved. She will be reaching out to interested volunteers to coordinate training and canvassing.
- Postcards – Lisa Eliason heads this team, and is hoping you’re interested in writing postcards to remind people to vote – contact Lisa at
Community Service Committee –– Chair, Janalee Stock
Calling All Volunteer Ideas! Do you have an idea for a project you’d like to see our local Democrats participate in? Contact Janalee Stock at
Our March focus was litter pick up. Here’s the great news – we found only one single-use plastic bag roadside, while in the past (prior to the ban) there were many along our two-mile stretch of 550.
Also in March, Ohio University’s Divine Feline Dance Team (pictured below) noticed our community service photos in the office window, and contacted us to collaborate on a service project for their “Thoughtful Thursday” initiative. Possible projects were discussed and they chose to prep feed sacks to be made into reusable shopping bags!
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Sign-up for our monthly email newsletter to learn about the issues and upcoming events, and to support efforts to elect Democrats up and down the ballot!
Sign up here:
We thank everyone who has financially supported the Athens County Democratic Party in the past. The fight to defend democracy and turn Ohio blue is far from over. If you have not donated recently to the ACDP, and have the means to do so, please donate today.