We Are In the Final Stretch
We Need Volunteers!
How You Can Help
Contact Solveig Spjeldnes for details at solveigsp@gmail.com or 740-590-2036
Yard Signs
We have yard signs for all local candidates and YES on Issue 1 signs. We also have Harris/Walz yard signs (requesting a $5 donation). Our goal is to have signs visible throughout the county. If there is an area our signs are not visible, let us know. Or better yet come for signs! The Athens Dem office is open M-F from 1:00-5:00 pm. Saturday and Sunday Noon until 4:00 pm.
Door knocking with Democrats! We are talking to democrats to make sure they have a plan to vote. We want to make sure voters know their candidates, why to vote YES on Issue 1, and why are the Ohio Supreme Court Judges are so important to ensuring the intent of the Ohio Reproductive State Amendment. Help prepare voters for when they go to vote!
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown Canvass on Saturday, October 12 at 10:00 a.m. in Athens!
This is the mobilize link to join Sherrod Brown canvass launch: https://www.mobilize.us/ohcc/event/717562/
Ohio Democratic Party Canvasses
Not available Saturday, October 12? No problem! You can schedule at your convenience. Contact Mieke Riddlebarger through the Ohio Democratic Party at mriddlebarger@ohiodems.org or at 740-475-7466
Phone Banking
You can reach out to Dems from your home or from the Athens Dem office. Reach out to Mieke Riddlebarger at mriddlebarger@ohiodems.org.
We have new batches of postcards waiting to be written. We are just waiting for the address lists. We have Harris/Walz postcards and Sherrod Brown postcards. Contact Andrea Reik areikathens@gmail.com to find out when we have the addresses. But you could also come in for postcards to send to friends and family to remind them to vote.
Mail-In Ballot Follow Up
We are looking for volunteers to make calls to voters who have requested a mail-in ballot but have not yet returned the ballot. During the week before the mail-in ballots are due we will follow up with those voters. Volunteers will be given telephone numbers for these voters and reach out to them to remind them to return their mail-in ballots. Mail-in ballots must be postmarked by November 4th or to the Board of Elections by 7:30 pm on November 5th, election day.
Please contact Doug Debrick at dgdebrick@gmail.com to volunteer or get more information.
Vote Builder
Like to work with data? If you’re interested in helping with data management via VoteBuilder, contact Doug Debrick at dgdebrick@gmail.com.
Literature Handout at the Athens County Board of Elections
Finally- as we get closer to the end of October and early November, we expect we will have lines at the Athens Board of Elections to Early Vote. In the past we have had volunteers stand behind the campaign parameter to provide campaign literature to voters. If you are interested, please contact Andrea Reik at areikathens@gmail.com or text at 740-591-1736.
Interested in Helping on a Campaign?
Reach out to:
- Wenda Sheard, Candidate for Ohio House District 94 wendasheard@yahoo.com
- Micah McCarey, Candidate for Ohio House District 95 mccareyforprogress@gmail.com
- Ari Faber, Candidate for Ohio Senate District 30 ariforohio@gmail.com
- Taylor Sappington, Candidate for Athens County Treasurer Taylorsappington@gmail.com